
Intentionally Left Blank

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I made an intentionally blank page - /blank.

I saw Blake Watson's /blank page after they posted it on mastodon earlier. I thought it was a great idea, and the reasoning behind it (as per this archive.org archived website (the original site is still online but the why page has been removed)) resonates: the primary reason to offer internet wanderers a place of quietness and simplicity on the overcrowded World Wide Web-a blank page for relaxing the restless mind.

More so than ever does the internet, the www in particular, need places of calm. Free from the chaos, the algorithm. The "indie web" is that, as is any community of humans discussing or building things they're passionate about. But sometimes, you just wanna... stop, y'know? Only exist for a bit. Breathe.


The original site above used to have a list of members, 36 sites which also intentionally made a blank page. I checked each one of the personal websites current state out and found the following had their blank page still online:

The rest had sadly either been removed/redirected or the domain taken over. Google, Yahoo and some others used to have fun and show nothing when searching for this, but the internet isn't allowed to be fun anymore, according to that boring lot.

Make a /blank page. Intentionally. Bring to the internet your own little slice of nothing, and let me know if you do or if you have one already and I'll list it below.

Other blank pages from around the 'net

Some other bloggers have let me know that they too have a page intentionally left blank on their site!