About fyr.io
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This, my humble little corner of the 'net, is a dumping ground carefully curated web garden for the adventures, thoughts and learnings I have as I venture through life with my wife and son. I am a sysadmin by trade, with a passion for information security. I spend a lot of time poking at this and prodding at that. I have many ideas for useful tools and resources and will, when time allows, create a toolbox of stuff that you might find useful.
Outside of work, I am a gamer, a reader, with little time for either (but I try to make time every day for at least a little bit of both.) I spend as much time as possible with the family and when they're not awake, and I'm in the mood, you'll find me online tinkering with this site or attempting to break things.
This site is currently on its third (or fourth?) iteration, the latest being inspired by shellsharks and the indie web - this site is probably always going to be a work in progress as I'm building it, back-to-front, entirely myself (I dropped wordpress in favor of a homebrew option) but I'll make sure to document anything interesting.
Speaking of interesting, this site is mostly for me but perhaps, if our interests align, you'll find something neat here too. Take a look around and maybe you'll come across something great:
- The homepage has a list of posts I've written - everything from home/renovation/life stuff to technology, infosec and education. As well as random opinions about random things. You can mostly ignore those
- I like to muck about with CSS, so I've added a theme switcher with a bunch of themes to this site so check it out!
- It doesn't happen often, but sometimes I make useful tech things. These things might appear on this site. If they do, they'll be located on the tools page
- Check out the wander page for a bunch of stuff on the internet that I think is cool
- Find out approximately what I'm doing at the moment on now, or if the mood takes you, check out then to see what I did in the past. Yep, time travel!
- There are things I'll agree with or try to be, and to those I say "/yep!"
- There are also, of course things I dislike, avoid or try to not bring into the world. To these I simply mutter "/nope."
- Ideas are a dime a dozen, but it's useful to write them down or you will forget. I write mine down on the ideas page
There's more around here, so dig around, see what you find!