Changes to the site will be logged here.
- I joined the Verdantville webring, a webring for green websites, of which this is by default! You can see the webring nav at the very bottom of each page, for now, until I come up with a better way to display it!
- Posted a picture of some blossom trees in our garden
- Fixed bug with CSS-based post filter I added to the homepage on 2025-02-26 which resulted in missing posts. Yes a bug. I didn't forget about an entire category. Nope. No way. Stop looking at me.
- Added a post about CSS Naked Day 2025 - consider this an early reminder to get your site set up for it if you haven't already!
- Added a couple missing slash pages
- Added a site to the Intentionally Left Blank post - thanks Shannon!
- I've added a CSS-only post list filter to the list of posts on the homepage - this is a bit of an experiment. I don't know if I'll keep it. I do need to re-organise the post categories though. Oh, btw, filter preferences (ie. checkbox state, whether you've unchecked it or not) aren't retained across page loads because I don't use JavaScript here. If you know a way to do this please let me know!
- Added another site to the Intentionally Left Blank post - cheers fLaMEd!
- Posted about the World Wild Web
- Added a site to the Intentionally Left Blank post - thanks Michael for emailing!
- Added a site to the Intentionally Left Blank post - thanks for emailing me Benji! :D
- Added a /slashes slashpage which simply lists all the slashpages I have on this site
- Added a /blank page, inspired by the page on Blake Watsons site, and wrote a post as to why. (Getting the /blank page working took a bigger rewrite than I expected!)
- I investigated the state of SPF and DMARC at primary school email domains in the UK. SPF wasn't too bad but DMARC was pretty shoddy!
- I've changed the footer a little, adding some links and some useless random text :D
- I've changed the default theme to something green (with light/dark preferences obeyed) and added it to the theme selection page, which actually is just a way to delete the theme preference cookie if you have one set.
- This required some re-writing of the CSS file that and I've used it as an opportunity to touch some stuff up a little. Nothing major. If you notice anything is broken, let me know, yeah?
- I wrote up how I organise tasks, a project... and then a method I use to organise so many projects your brain melts a bit just thinking about it all
- I moved my contact info out of the about page and have given it its own dedicated slashpage: /hello inspired by Alastair. /contact also goes there, of course
- Added Dinosaur Comics and floor796 to /wander
- security.txt expired on 2025-01-01, oops. Expire date updated +1 year!
- I checked the carbon rating of this site and it turned out pretty okay actually!
- One side effect of the work I did yesterday to add dynamic meta tags means I can now use data about a post whilst not looking at a post. To start with, I've added a description about the contents of the post to the list of posts on the homepage. Just hover your mouse over them to get a little more info!
I'll do the same for the RSS feed soon (tm)that's done. I also output the description in a <p> in the list, but I've hidden that in the CSS for now. But it's there to use in a future theme! - I've quickly also added the post category (the
in metatag parlance) to the CSS class of each entry on the post list. For future styling purposes! - RSS feed has been updated to include the description of each post, as well as the categor(y|ies) which reflect(s) the content
- I've added a /story /slashpage because why the devil not?? I mean, sure it's just another way to hit /about but that's not important! (I also added /contact but that also just goes to the /about page.)
- I've slightly rewritten or added to the homepage blurb as well as the
/abouterr sorry I mean /story page to make it a bit more... well, a bit more. Better? I hope so. Some additional contact info is on there too.
- Added dynamic meta tags to all content - page previews generated when links are shared in discord/teams/whatever will now reflect the content somewhat! Oohh, fancy.
- Posted about chickens
- Added meta tags to the
so link previews work. They're not dynamic, reflecting each page, yet. Future me can sort that out. Thanks future me!
- Posted a post about passion projects
- Added the Afternoon of Bedtime post
- Updated the paper theme to be a little bit more like having paper on a page (darker background vs the main content)
- I've made the paper theme (light) the default - feel free to change it if you want something a little different
- Added a post about the Paper theme(s)
- Updated the IndieWeb vs indie web post, nodding at Starbreaker's updates to his own post
- Added an RSS feed icon to the footer
- Added two new themes, 'paper' and 'paper night'. The paper theme is minimal and clean, with a light version and a night version. I really like it!
- Added a post replying to a post by someone else about the IndieWeb
- Added
to the mastodon links dotted about the joint - Added a couple /ideas I've been sitting on (maybe working on...!?)
- Added a post about the joy of the internet slow lane
- Added a post, which is a reply to a question posed in another post on another site. Community!
- Updated the date on posts to be more human readable. Now with a time! Though only the post I added today has a post time. I'll need to go back and add approximate post times to the older posts. That'll be... fun?
- Added a post about Mastodon/the Fediverse. Why? Because I've created a Mastodon account for this site, of course
- Fixed the RSS feed to make it valid, according to the W3C validator
- Added an image/logo to the rss feed, though I honestly have no idea if it works
- Updated the Sims.Net migration article/guide with some additional information about configuring the database Compatibility level, which if not done, has some odd side effects it turns out
- Fixed a CSS bug that prevented posts with <pre> elements from shrinking down
- Reverted the changes I made yesterday to one of the posts
- Updated the CSS on the site in response to some reader feedback
- Updated two articles to use my <pre class="codeblock"> style for some of the bigger <code> blocks to help with readability
- Added a post about tomatoes and thinking a house is a person or something?
- Added an entry to the /yep and the /nope pages
- Added an /idea for a tool. Sort of a tool. More like a resource... maybe I should rename that section...
- Added post
- Added a humans.txt file
- Added The Month of Illness post
- Added an idea for the site
- Moved June's /now page into the /then archive, and updated the /now page to be current for July
- Added CSS Naked day support
- CSS Naked Day is also a theme you can enable, even if it isn't April 9th, if you prefer the raw web
- Added a post about the above stuff for good measure
- /now pages are now archived monthly(-ish) on a new /then page!
- Added a post to go alongside the new /then page!
- Added a max-width to the content of the site - a reader emailed to tell me I hadn't done this and it made the site difficult to read on larger screens. Thanks! I've set it to be mostly full size at a 1920 x 1080 resolution, the content won't grow bigger than that. If you notice issues or have any other suggestions, let me know!
- Fixed several typos in some pages
- Added theme support, with one theme
- Added a post to go alongside the theme support
- Added a couple useful links to the footer (about and themes)
- More-aura for-a your-a... uh... viewing pleasure. I posted more aurora pictures!
- I saw the Aurora and posted a few terrible quality pics of it :)
- Added a /nope page
- Added a /yep page
- Added a post about the /yep and /nope pages
- Made some small font-weight changes which help with readability (in my opinion, anyway)
- Made some small changes to the css and <head> to make the site more compatible with more browsers and accessibility tools. If you notice problems, let me know
- Finally got a few minutes to type up a post about the h-card I added on 2024-04-29
- I've added a short intro which serves as a basic h-card to the homepage. Let the indieweb-ification begin!
- A wild RSS feed appears!
- A wild post about the RSS feed appearing appears!
- Added podcasts to the /wander page. How did I forget these?!
- Added three links to the /wander page
- New TV show added to the /now page
- Added the tdmrep.json file and 'new icons/menu design' entries to the /ideas page
- Rebuilt old wordpress site to this new self-built thing!
- Created the theme, based on my old wordpress theme and the site
- Migrated some of the posts over from the old site - mostly recent ones with some of the more popular older ones
- Rewrote the /about page
- Created a /now page!
- Created this very changelog page you see before you
- Created a page to write down all my silly /ideas for the site and other stuff
- Created a /wander page, which is a bit like a blogroll page but more general, inspired by
- Published one post about the new site