
Then Pages

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I have been making use of the /now page, which is honestly something I thought I would end up dropping. I may only update it a few times a month but I've been fairly consistent with it.

Ever since reading about the idea on a few small web sites (and in particular browsing a bunch of them on nownownow.com) I wanted to have one, and I am glad it's turning out alright. However I quickly came to the realisation that I didn't want to delete anything...

So I didn't. I archived the file and paired down the original at the start of the month because I wanted a way to go back in time, to see what I was doing back then.

Hence, /then!

The /then page is as simple as that. It's just a monthly archive of my /now page. I'll append to the "live" /now page until the end of the month, at which point on the next update I'll archive it to /then, strip back all the non-continuous stuff (like reading a massive web serial for years on end) and resume appending the live /now page. Another thing checked off the /ideas page!

Lovely. Hey, if you haven't got a /now page, set one up. Then (or if you have one already) why not set up your own /then page to archive them too?

You know you want to.