
Slashpages on fyr.io

Here's an alphabetical list of all (hopefully) slashpages as well as any other not-on-slashpages.net-but-still-easily-discoverable paths on fyr.io.

/about (alias: /story)

The story of how this site came to be, my reasons for making and building upon it, and what I use it for. A little glimpse into my life and leads off into other slashpages that work to further define this place.


An intentionally blank page.


Whenever I make a change to this site (that isn't formatting or typos) I log it on the changelog, whether it's backend, frontend, posts or updates to slashpages (excluding /now) It's a high level overview of the change, and doesn't go into the technical details. If a change is even slightly interesting I'll probably dig into it in a post

/contact (alias: /hello)

If you want to get in contact with me there's a few methods. These can be found on this slashpage.


This is an RSS feed of the posts I've written

/hello (alias: /contact)

If you want to get in contact with me there's a few methods. These can be found on this slashpage.


I often have ideas for website content, features, tools, or non-website related things. Where I am in a position to do so (read: can be bothered and remember!) I'll log them on the /ideas slashpage, crossing them off as they're done


A list of things or perspectives I try to not have or do in my life. The opposite to the /yep page.


This slashpage is where I drop updates on things that are going on in life. I break them up into monthly

/slashes (alias: /slashpages)

That's this page, a list of the slashpages I have on fyr.io

/story (alias: /about)

The story of how this site came to be, my reasons for making, maintaining, posting and building upon it, and what I use it for. A little glimpse into my life and leads off into other slashpages that work to further define this place.

/themes (alias: /about/themes)

I enjoy making CSS themes. Any that I've been happy to release can be found here! This used to be accessible via /about/themes. It still is, but it used to, too.


I started writing to my /now page and realised it would quickly fill and then be purged, contents lost forever. /then serves as an archive of prior /now posts, so they can live on for as long as this website stays live.


Though it's only got one thing on it right now, I do create web- or infosec-oriented tools occasionally. These tools are often quick scripts that land in random forum posts or sent in DMs or something. Sometimes I'll tidy them up and put them on to the /tools page.


For people who find security issues, or for me to point people to who are responsible for fixing an issue I've found and reported. Also contains a hall of fame, individuals who have reported valid vulns about things hosted at this domain!


Sort of like a blogroll, bookmarks or links page. For when I want to wander the internet, these are the places I go to frequently


This is a list of concepts and decisions I try to stand by to make myself and the world a better place. The opposite to the /nope page.