
The Afternoon of Bedtime

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Kids say the funniest things, and some really interesting words and phrases fall out of them sometimes. Their developing language skills means that they may not have the vocabulary to communicate an idea or situation, so they must find an alternative way to convey it.

Us: Did you sleep okay?

Kid: Yeah but I woke up a few times.

Us: What time did your clock say when you woke up?

Kid: It was five hundred and something (5am, digital clock reads 05:00, so 500)

Us: Oh that's early!

Kid: No it was five hundred so it was in the afternoon of bedtime, not the morning of bedtime.

The afternoon of bedtime! I love this so much. The day has a morning, at the start, and an afternoon, which comes later. So... sleep must also have a morning and afternoon! We just can't correct him on this, we don't want to. Not yet. It's too cute!

Morning of bedtime and afternoon of bedtime now feature regularly in our vocabulary, along with 't'kat' and 'pazzap'.