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A now page is a little glimpse into the things that occupy my time. It's a little bit like a diary, but paired down in my case to an overview of things I am doing or have done. Typically, things in life that would be logged here progress slowly, so don't expect changes every day, but I'll try to update it once a month at least.
Check out /then to see an archive of my /now pages!
Working on...
At work
Your regular patching, maintenance and helpdesk escalations, plus:
- Summer holiday projects - building out ACLs, vlans, upgrading building links, patching network infrastructure
Anything with an internet orientation deserves its own little section.
- Still adding features and content to this site - I added themes recently, I should make more!
- Podcasts - Thanks to recent illness I've fallen even further behind. I was about 60 hours behind last month. I've removed some podcasts from the feed and got back to about 66 hours, but I might need to skip some episodes of the more current events type shows to get caught up
- Thinking a lot more about the simple web and especially the human web. I should make a post about it...
At home
The home, the family, and other AFK things.
- Sewage treatment plant is finally installed and running! Hooray!
- Still in a personal finance mindset, but the above installation is the biggest expense we've had, aside from the purchase of the place originally
- Kid is super into Sonic at the moment. Just got him playing Sonic Origins on the PS4, whereas before he could only play Sonic the Hedgehog and Sonic CD on his tablet, which he has completed several times already. Many more games for him to explore now! We've been getting him some merchandise too - soft toys, shirts, hats, and getting some posters printed for his wall. Obsessed.
Relaxing by...
- Pale - [ongoing] I read this at every opportunity. It's fantastic, as all Wildbow serials are, and I'm so glad I saved it so I could read it all once it was finished.
- The Wandering Inn and Super Supportive - [paused] My two favourite ongoing web serials, however I've paused reading these so a backlog appears whilst I read Pale
- Lord of the Flies - [ongoing sporadically] classic book, I read it in school and it's the next book on a list of 100 books that must be read. I'm slowly working through it!
- The Last of Us Part 2 - [finished] Finished this last month but I didn't update - it's a fantastic game for the most part. The first is better, but of course it is.
- World of Warcraft (retail) - [ongoing] If I'm not playing Pandaria Remix, I'm collecting mounts, toys, pets and achievements. And I love it.
- Horizon: Zero Dawn - [ongoing sporadically] After finishing The Last of Us 2, I wanted something else to play. A number of years ago, Horizon Zer Dawn was given away on ps4 and I was lucky enough to grab it. It has remained unplayed until now! And... it's... eh. I am told to power through because it gets better... we'll see.
- Pokemon Go - [ongoing] kid loves it and it helps keep him (and us) moving, so why not
- Prey (2017) - [ongoing sporadically] my solo game, slowly playing this. I really like it but I've been chipping away at it for like 2 years now. I really should dedicate some solid timeblocks to it... time... what's that again?
- The Office (US) - [ongoing] should have watched this years ago, why did I wait so long!?
- The Expanse - [finished] I sessioned this whilst ill recently and finished it. I love it. I want to rewatch it already!
- The Boys (TV Series) - [ongoing] After finishing The Expanse I needed something else to watch, so started watching The Boys. It's pretty good. Currently half way through Season 2, interested to see where it goes and if it can keep the pace up. I was promised interesting powers but I must say, after reading things like Worm and Super Supportive, they're not that creative, but it's still a good show. So far.
- Black Books - [ongoing] A classic british comedy. Bernard is my spirit animal. We've rewatched this a few times and I expect we'll keep rewatching it in the future.