

Hey, I'm Matt, a sysadmin, and this website is a cross between an experiment that is ever changing (and documented in the /changelog of course,) a blog, technical guides and a dumping ground for some often rambling opinions about stuff and things, mostly about life on and offline, but also involving tech things too. Particularly the indieweb, the UK education space, and infosec, but I'll also touch on other areas occasionally. Heck, I may even publish a few /tools every now and then.

If you wanna know more, check out my /story, or perhaps you wish see what I'm doing /now? If that doesn't interest you, take a look at some of my favourite places on the internet to /wander to. If you don't like the look of this site, try changing it with some /themes I've built! You are also, of course, free to hit me up and say /hello at any time.


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Here's a list of posts I've written: